Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Addison!

Addison had a great birthday and a great party! Here are some pictures from the week of her birthday.

Addison got a pretty new birthday dress to wear to church on Sunday. (you can't see the dress very well- but she was too cute in the picture).

She was not sure about opening her presents, but she did enjoy ripping the paper:)

She LOVED her glow warm. Well, she was not too sure about it at first. Now, she sleeps with it every night, and even at nap time.

She was in need of a new bath toy. She got 5 fish with a net to catch them in.

To celebrate, we took her to Baskin Robbins to get her first WHOLE scoop of ice cream. She was in heaven.
No surprise...she ate the entire bowl!

We got home kind of late- but she insisted on trying her new bath toy. She did great putting her fish in the net!
We had a fun birthday! Addison could not wait for her big party!

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