Friday, September 10, 2010


Our little baby is growing up SO FAST! Most days I think to myself...slow down Addy! I can hardly keep up!:) Our newest adventure is climbing on EVERYTHING! She loves to be on the floor exploring, and loves even more when she finds something to climb on so she can stand up like a big girl. Addy is not walking yet- but she holds on and walks to what she wants. She will be walking before we know it!:)

Addison has a love for shoes. Love in...trying to put them on, put things in them, eating them, throwing name it- she's done it.

Check out them pearly whites!:) Addison is up to 8 TEETH! She has been pretty fussy lately, and we are pretty sure she's got another 4-5 teeth coming in all at the same time!

She has finally decided it's ok to climb through her toy house. She loves this thing! I totally recommend it!

Addison likes to ring the doorbell, and quickly look around the house to see that the other light came on also. She will sit and do this like 20 times, and just laugh!

Her next favorite game...opening drawers! It's always a surprise as to what we find in her drawers also. She loves to open them up and throw her toys in them, and shut them. (Thanks Aunt Jami for the super cute clothes:))
This picture was too cute to pass up. Thanks Popi and Mimi for the cute outfit!
The other morning I walked in to get Addison out of bed. This is what I saw. Yes, it was a little creepy to me as well! Addy has finally learned how to sit up on her own...which has impacted her sleeping habits! Of course I saw this, and ran to get the camera!
I got the camera- turned the lights on...and had proof that little Addy had sat herself up.
That's not all folks! This kid has tricks!!! I turned around to put the camera down... and WAH LA! She is standing up, waiting on me to get her! (I quickly lowered her bed to the lowest notch...:)).
Sorry it has taken so long to post. Addy is not only busy herself, she is keeping her mommy and daddy very busy as well. Right now is such a fun time with our little girl. Everyday she is doing something new, and something fun. I love being able to stay home with Addison, I don't know what I would do if I had to miss all this excitement!


  1. If she is such a fan of climbing and is starting to stand up in her crib then you should probably take out the bumper. It's only a matter of time before she uses the bumper as a stepping stone to climb out of the crib. Aiden still hasn't tried, but you never know when they will. She is so cute!!

  2. AHHHH!!! She does need to slow down. :) She is so cute! I need to come visit so I can play with her. Thanks for the update. :)

  3. 8 teeth, that was fast. Oh well better to get all the teething done in one shot. I love her crib set. The fabric is so cute, very shabby chic!
