Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where is the time going?!?!

It seems just like yesterday, I posted...but as you can see- I am a super slacker! Every day is a new adventure with Addison. She has learned how to get in the kitchen trash can, all the cabinets, flush the toilet, and her favorite- throwing her food on the floor to let you know she has had enough. Her are some pictures of her recently.

Addy knows that when daddy has something to eat- he will share NO MATTER what it is. Unfortunately for her, she was not a fan of the hot sauce daddy was eating on his chicken the other night. She scoots up to the couch and whines at Daddy until he picks her up- and then she sits next to him and eats, and drinks- whatever he is having.

For her birthday, Addison's great grandparents- on my side, gave her this cute little car. It has been so hot that I've had it in the guest bedroom. The other day, she wheeled it out, scooted it out, all by herself to the kitchen...and got a better look at it.

We finally caved in and took her for a ride in her car! Needless to say, she loved it!

And every time she saw headlights of a car...she waved!! It was adorable!

Today was a new adventure for Addison. She got to lick the beaters- for the FIRST time ever! Being the sweets-a-holic like her momma...she loved it- and pitched a fit when it was all gone. She sure did have a fun time with that beater.

She thought that was the best thing to Papa always giving her ice-cream!:)
I feel like Addy is finally giving us a run for our money. She gets into everything, and even is getting a little attitude- that she must have picked up from her daddy. :) Although days can be challenging sometimes- she melts our hearts with every smile, laugh, hug, and every kiss that she gives. Every day I feel so blessed to be able to spend with her- and watch her learn new things. She definitely keeps me on my toes.


  1. I love her smile! These are so cute. I'm glad in our family we start brownie batter addiction early on.

  2. So cute! I love those plastic cars. I've had one with each kid and they're super safe and indestructable (is that a word) haha!
