Monday, March 1, 2010

Big Girl!

Addison has been doing so many new things! We are trying to capture as many moments on camera as we can...but have caved in and decided that we are going to need to invest in a camcorder!!! Addison is becoming a LITTLE more independent...ok, lets say a little less dependent- but still expects us to be right by her side all the time. There is no doubt in my mind it is because her daddy spoils her like crazy!:)

Addison can now successfully kick out of her button up pajamas. You leave her laying long enough...and get her mad enough (from not paying attention), you will easily come back to a nearly naked little girl!

Addy has been trying really hard to sit up on her own.

We are really enjoying playing with our toys.

Addy loves when daddy gets home from work!

We have rolled over a few different time, but it is normally accompanied by SCREAMING! This was the first time we rolled over...and played for a good 10 minutes on our tummy!

And to mom's surprise...we rolled back over all by ourselves!

Addy is becoming such a big girl! She smiles, laughs, talks, and even is learning how to make noises with her mouth! She is even getting used to all of her moms photographs! *Thanks Aunt Jami for the SUPER CUTE dress!

Of course are photo shoots are often disturbed when Dad enters the room. Addy loves her Daddy, and always greets him with the BIGGEST smile in the world!
There is never a dull moment at the Fischer home!


  1. She is too precious. I'm so happy to see how y'all are doing. Keep blogging!

  2. She is getting so big and cuter by the day!! I think a camcorder is a great investment and worth every penny!!!!

  3. I love the pic of her and James. She really is getting so big. I swear you just had her. So to answer your text days later...Yes of course I'll teach you how to make bows. Sorry I'm such a slacker lately....I owe your Mom bows too. Oh pregnancy gotta love it!
