Thursday, March 25, 2010

8 Months Old!

We cannot believe our little baby has turned 8 MONTHS OLD!!!! She is getting to be SO big...and already starting to get into EVERYTHING!:) Since I haven't posted all month, there are quite a few sorry in advance:)

Addy has finally advanced to sitting up in the bathtub! She loves it until we have to wash her head!:)

She tries reaching for everything...all the time. No matter how close it really is to her!:)

It has become Addy and mommy's tradition to stand at the glass door when daddy gets home and watch him get out of the car and come inside. Addison knows when daddy is come and she gets the biggest smile on her face watching him walk to us!

Teeth count=4! You can see her two top teeth in this picture.

We have learned how to put our feet in our mouth. Which normally last about 2 seconds before she throws her legs down and gives a disgusted face from what she just tasted!:)

This was when Addy was 8 months and 1 day old:)

This is our proof that she reaches for everything! ha ha

Such a big girl!
Everyone thinks she is happy all the time...we tell them- most of the time.

We spend a lot of time playing with our silly town...thank you Santa for bringing it:)
Everyday is so much fun with Addison. It is so much fun seeing her explore new things, and her reaction to her explorations:). She is getting her own little personality, and we find ourselves just laughing at the new things she is doing! Till next time!


  1. I am in awe at this little girl and how big she is getting! She is so cute. I need to see her in person soon. :)

  2. I love those cheeks. You just wanna pinch them!
