Friday, May 7, 2010

We knew it would happen one day...

Well...we knew it would happen one day. You just hope that it doesn't:) I was at church Wednesday night and took my brother home afterwards. I had just left my parents house when I got a phone call from James, with Addison crying in the background (this is not unusual:)). James told me that he had put Addy in her high chair so he could clean out her bathtub. He heard her say, "Da-Da"- which is really more like "ja-ja" and he got excited and turned around and said, "ADDY!" About that time she was already looking at the ground. She fell out of her high chair and hit the tile floor!!!! Scared to death I drove 80 the rest of the way home to find my sweet little girl- and frantic husband. Addison had a HUGE upper lip, and had started bleeding out of her nose. We called the doctor and they told us we needed to take her to the ER. So, 2 hours later, a $100 poorer, we heard the news that James knew all along...Addison was fine, perfect, wonderful (in the dr. opinion). A day later, this is what the outcome is...

A bruised nose, and busted lip. We do feel sooo blessed that this all the damage that was done. We both know it could have been a lot worse, and we are so grateful that it wasn't!!!!


  1. Hey, look you do know how to buckle the high chair.

  2. That is always so scary when your baby gets hurt! I'm surprised they told you to go to the ER. I am so glad little Addy is okay. :)

  3. It happens to everyone! We've had some scary spills but with lots of love, hugs and kisses she'll forget about her adventure in no time :)

  4. Oh ouch. Poor little thing. I hate when those things happen, it makes you feel like the worst parents. I'm glad she's doing well and nothing major happened.

  5. Well I don't think that James or you will ever forget the first time she said "Da-da" and I have a feeling that this story is going to be told and retold an retold :)
