Friday, November 5, 2010


Well, now that it is December- I thought I should go ahead and put up our October pictures. ha ha. We had a lot of fun in October with a lot of Harvest celebrating:)

We got invited to go to Tom's Farm with some friends. It was a fun night of a pumpkin patch, hayride, cooking out, and smores! It was the first time we have ever been out there, and we had a great time.

Addison takes every opportunity to ride on her daddy's shoulders...and wave at people.

We got 3 pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and had a fun time carving them. Addy was not too sure about the pumpkins- and she didn't want anything to do with the seeds on the inside.

She did love the finished product. She had her very own pumpkin.

Addy with our pro-carver:)

The finished pumpkins. It's been years since I have carved a pumpkin- and we had a lot of fun.

We went to a Chili-Cook off/Festival at church the night before Halloween. Addison loved watching the other kids run around. She was applauding the winners of the contest at this point.

One day, James will smile:)

Addison is still too young to really understand the concept of trick-or-treating. James and I decided that we would dress her up and head to visit granny and papa moore, and grandma mc. Addy was the perfect little bumble bee.

Giving granny moore kisses.

Addison and Grandma McBride.

I don't really have a ton of memories from Halloween as a child. The one thing I do remember- is my parents would always load us up in the car and go trick-or-treating to our grandparents. As I am older, and look back on these times- it makes me grateful for my parents and the traditions that we had growing up. It really goes back to the family...which is the most important thing in this world.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand why you didn't let Addy use the knife to carve the pumpkins. I think she would have enjoyed that more than the seeds :)
