Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Much Needed Vacation

James and I left Addison for an entire week and headed to Illinois for vacation. This was the first time that I have left Addison overnight- and it was for like 8 days. I did better then I expected, and Addison, well- she was totally happy and content being with Magraw and Papa. On the way to Chicago we ran across an Amish country. It was so fun to see. We of course had to stop, and hang with the Amish for a while.

We went the Navy Pier once we were in Chicago. It was not as exciting at this time of year- but it was super pretty being on the water.

In Millennium Park they have this huge mirror looking bean. It was really cool to be able to see the sky line through the reflection. They also had a outdoor skating rink at the park. I was super excited- since that was always something I wanted to do- but it wasn't open yet:( Next time...

We hit the aquarium- and this fish reminded me of Snooki's poof on Jersey of course, it had to make the blog:)

We did a lot packed into 4 days in Chicago...and I really should get better about documenting with pictures. After we left Chicago, we headed to Nauvoo, Il. They have ton of church sites from when Joseph Smith and the saints lived there- before they headed to Salt Lake. I remember going to Nauvoo a few times as a child, but never really enjoyed it as much as I did this time. It was nice to go back as an adult- and gain a fuller understanding of what the saints went through.
James and I had a great time on vacation. Although we missed Addison, it was so nice to get away and just be together...and do things without entertaining a 1 year old:) I am grateful for parents who are willing to baby-sit for the week.

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