Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Whew...it's so hard to believe that Christmas has already came and gone! Although, I must say- it is nice to have it out of the way for the year:) On Christmas Eve we went over to my parents house for a light dinner and visiting. Addy got to open up one present, she doesn't seem to sure about getting pajamas.:)

When we got home from Magraws and Papa's Addy got to play a little bit before going to bed.

The tree with the presents that Santa brought Addison.
One of the biggest hits was an Elmo phone. Addy has an obsession with phones and putting things to her ear.
She also got a cool touch and feel puzzle- I didn't realize it was touch, feel, AND TASTE when I bought it:)
Pulling stuff out of her stocking.
Opening Poppi and Mimi's gifts.
We were very fortunate that Magraw, Papa, Nana, and Justie were able to come over and watch Addy open her presents on Christmas morning. Addy was giving everyone kisses before they left.
We headed over to my parents again for lunch. We had about 25 family members over- so needless to say, there is never a dull moment.
Magraw and Papa got Addison her own baby and stroller...notice the baby on the floor behind the stroller. ha ha
After a fun filled day, we all needed a good nights rest. Addy loves cuddling with her dada while they watch tv. This time, the baby got to cuddle too:)
We fill very blessed to have had such an amazing Christmas. We wish we could have been with all our family! We hope you all had an amazing Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't blogged forever. It was fun to catch up. I love Christmas with little ones. They're intrigued by the boxes and paper...I'm thinking it's The Dollar Store for Evan his first couple of years...We'll let the grandparents make up for the rest haha!
