Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, a few weeks ago, I finally got the tree up. I did it during Addy's nap so I wouldn't have a extra little helper. I couldn't wait when she woke up to bring her in and get this GREAT reaction from the tree! Let's just say, Addy is terrified of grass, trees, anything that deals with "nature." This is as close as she will get to the tree, and by the look on her face- this is obviously to close. The plus is, I'm not having to constantly tell her to stop playing with the ornaments, and she hasn't even attempted to touch one present UNDER the tree. ha ha

ha ha, ok- I totally just had to add this picture because this Addy...ALL THE TIME! She's constantly shouting out all sorts of words and long sentences in her vocabulary. I don't know what she was trying to tell me- and I think it's probably best that I don't know!:) (Just imagine that little hand pointing too.:))

We have a professional WALKER on our hands. She has gotten fast, and when the camera is out- it's full speed ahead to get to the camera before the picture is taken. Plus, look at that ADORABLE pea coat!
Addy got to have Audrey over to play while Kerstin went to help out at church. This was probably not the most exciting thing in the world to Audrey- but Addison is in LOVE with her! After dinner, Audrey was running around the kitchen and Addy just would run behind her, and then start laughing hysterically. We had a fun time with Audrey.
This would be my child's expression every time Audrey is around! That is a happy yell! ha ha


  1. I want to come see this girl in person! I bet she is so fun!!

    Merry Christmas... I miss you!

  2. Awww, I love it that she loves Audrey so much! Audrey loves her, too!
