Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mullet Be-Gone!

Well, I finally got the guts together to take Addy to get her mullet chopped off! I just couldn't bear the thought of my little girl growing up...old enough to need a hair cut. Here's a before shot:

She did really good until the lady put that thing around her neck. ha ha.

Needless to say, the paper did not stay on...we didn't even manage to get a cutting gown on. Gaga was such a trooper she came along for moral support (for Addy, not me:)).

Overall, Addy did a great job and her hair looks super cute. I must say- she was WAY more excited about getting to go out to eat afterwards with Gaga then her haircut.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! first haircuts are always hard, even if a mullet is involved. :)
