Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Fun!

I feel like such a slacker updating the blog. However, my goal is one post a month:) Addison is getting close to celebrating her 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY!!! WOOT WOOT! She is doing so many new and fun things- it is hard to list everything. I think the most distinctive thing about this child- is she has the appetite of a horse!!! She will eat, and eat, and eat, and continue eating until you take her food away- which always ends a screaming match. And if its ice- cream...there is not calming her down. It has gotten so bad- that I normal decide to not even give her a bite most of the time- to avoid the headache. Addy is getting into everything (as much as you can when your not crawling- or walking:))...and even getting her daddy's little attitude:)

I guess she is afraid you will take her food away. So, she always has BOTH hands full!

We went to the children's museum for their 20th birthday celebration. We had a great time! Cousin Lauren LOVES Addison.

We took a trip to see James' Dad and step-mom, and decided to make a stop in Nashville for the night. We decided to go to the park and see the Parthenon.

Addison has a fascination with yanking hair, and taking sunglasses. James managed to get both in this picture.

She obviously won the fight for the sunglasses.
We went to the Nashville Zoo in the 100 degree weather. Addison had a fun time getting close and personal with the billy goats.

We thought this would be a good photo op...but Daddy is very distracting.

This is how we roll...laid back with one foot up!


  1. Hey Ash! Didn't know you had a's fun to see what's going on and what we're in for. Wish we lived closer!!! Keep in touch!

  2. Such cute pictures! I just love that girl!

  3. The sunglasses picture is hillarious. He definitely captured the moment. We've never been to the Nashville zoo. We'll have to check it out one day!

  4. meghan gave a really nice compliment about how good/natural you are at being a mom. isn't that one of the greatest compliments? ;) everyone's looking very cute. ;) xoxo
