Saturday, December 4, 2010

Merry Early Christmas

Addison got a special surprise Thursday. Her first Christmas delivery from Grandma McBride.

She got a dancing snowman and the book Frosty the Snowman. She LOVES the dancing snowman. She's constantly pushing the button, and then knocking it over so it cannot dance anymore.
Frosty starts dancing- and Addy just starts laughing. It's the cutest thing ever.
Thanks Grandma for the present. It definitely has made Addison's year!


  1. I can't belive how big she is! She's adorable and I love her dancing snowman :) You have a beautiful family

  2. She is so funny. I have a video of her laugh that I showed all my roommates and they also think she is adorable!

  3. Very cute. We have one almost identical and my kids are old and still enjoy it.

    I loved your Chicago pics. I'm glad you guys had a good time and I love that I'm not the only "heathen" who knows about Snooki's poof haha!!
