Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 month olds are the BEST

Addison officially turned 5 months old yesterday. So, in honor of her birthday- here are some fun things she did at 4 months. She is still smiling real big (most of the time), and we have heard a laugh a handful of times. I can hardly wait until we hear the laugh ALL the time. Addison has added squash to her diet of rice cereal and applesauce. She is not a fan of the squash- but manages to take a few bites before letting us have it. She is trying to sit up from a laying down position, but can only seem to get her head and legs in the air. I can tell that she will be sitting up in no time.

Addison has started reaching for EVERYTHING. Yesterday, she got bored in her swing and started reaching for the mobile. Good thing I figured out how to adjust the swing so she could sit up...she really does not laying down anymore. She has become very her dad:)

Almost every afternoon- Daddy and Addison get their time together. It normally consist of watching football. Addison LOVES football.'s cold outside.

Addison loves her warm outfit from James' mom. It's a little big, but she sleeps in it every time we put her in it.

Our newest adventure is water drinking. Addison has decided that if your does she. She does not have the swallowing down yet, but she likes the cold water on her two little teeth. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS...our little girl has 2 TEETH!
We are SUPER excited for Christmas. OK, James and I are more excited then I think Addison is. We will have LOTS of pictures up soon!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Interesting Morning

Addison woke up yesterday like she normally does and starts talking to herself. I normally lay in bed until her talking becomes more of a "screaming" to get out of bed, and then I go in and get her. However, yesterday morning she was talking to herself and then all of a sudden I heard Mozart music playing over the monitor. I was pretty confused as to what was playing Mozart in her room, especially because there are no toys in her crib. I went in to her room to find that Addison had turned herself around in her crib (almost 180 degrees) and managed to kick her mobile and turn it on!!!! When I walked in she was just staring at it, like she was so impressed with herself that she managed to turn it on. I guess she has already learned that if mommy doesn't give you what you want- you have to do it yourself!:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Addison has just started eating solid foods. I think I was more excited about it then she was:). She is not a huge fan of the rice cereal as you can see below. She has been eating rice cereal for a few weeks now and I just started applesauce yesterday. All of a sudden she is a HUGE fan of eating!!!! I can hardly wait to see what other foods she enjoys. Here are a few shots of her first time eating cereal!

This is the first time Addy sat in her big girl high chair. She warmed up to it after she realized that she could get that much closer to her lion:)

As you can see, she was not quite sure what to expect. For some reason, she does not like putting her bib on.

This is one of MANY very funny faces we got.

By this point, Addy and Daddy both had enough of rice cereal for one evening.
I never thought we would make it to the point where she would open her mouth, willingly, and swallow. Thank goodness for applesauce.:)

Friday, November 20, 2009

New experiences

Addison has just started grabbing her toys and wanting to hold on to them. Ok, it's her toys, her clothes, her fingers- whatever she can fit into her hands. Of course as soon as she gets them in her hands, they go straight to her mouth. She has just started "talking," making lots of fun noises. I am really enjoying it- we can carry on full conversations now. :)

It is so much fun to watch Addison play with all her toys. I think I just snapped this picture at the right time, but it totally looks like she was sticking her tongue out.

Addison LOVES sitting at the computer with her daddy. She will sit with dad for a good amount of time before she has had enough.
So, thanks to my aunt, we got a exersaucer. Addison loves it, although she is way to small for it. She thought it was very interesting.

The other afternoon I went in to get Addison from her nap. She had been fussing for a few minutes, and being the hopeful mom I am- I was hoping she would fall back asleep. As her fussing got louder I went in to check on my little girl and this is what I found. She had managed to get her entire head and arms wedged under her cradle bumper. Needless to say, we upgraded to our crib that night. Funny little girl.

We go in for Addy's 4 month check up on Tuesday. I can hardly wait to see how much she has grown.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mind of her own

Addison really liked her Bumbo chair at first, and now it seems like she is getting bored with it. She totally has a mind of her own. She has decided that she does not like sitting correctly in her chair, so she somehow manages to readjust herself to her liking. I'm not sure if she is trying to get closer to her toy...or jump out of the chair. Needless to is always interesting to see what she is going to do next. I have a feeling this child is going to be a handful:)

Monday, November 2, 2009


Addison had a GREAT Halloween. She really liked watching all the other kids running around in their costumes. She was not too excited about being dressed up herself...but she's just the cutest little butterfly. We celebrated Halloween by going to our church trunk-or treat on Friday, and went to my sisters house on Saturday. It was so much fun, and we all had a great weekend.

Addison and I at the church trunk or treat.

Family photo:)
Addy had to wear two outfits on Halloween. This was her "Baby's 1st Halloween" outfit. (Thanks to Jami for the shirt and pants:))

My sweet niece Audrey trick-or-treating.

Justin just looks THRILLED to be out in the cold.

Addison trick-or-treating. She was really just along for the ride.

At the end of two long nights, our little butterfly just could not take any more excitement. She was exhausted. It is a hard life being a butterfly.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun things

Addison has already started doing some fun things. It is so amazing to watch her grow and to experience seeing all the changes in her life. I know there are SO many more things that she will be doing soon...I just hope I get them all on camera. I don't know if I mentioned- James bought me a new FAST camera for my birthday. I swear it is the BEST birthday present ever.

We were able to take Addison on her first little road trip to Jackson. James' mom and step dad were driving through, so we drove up so they could see little Addison. We had a great time visiting with them. I must say, Addison had a great day too.

Addy has started taking blankets, fingers, her shirt...etc. and pulling them up to her mouth. She even does it in her sleep. After three times of moving the blanket away from her face (to avoid her being suffocated) I finally gave up.

Earlier in my blogging you might remember Addison SCREAMING through her baths. Now, mommy has the job of entertaining while daddy gives her the bath. As you can see, I am obviously boring her.

Addison has been doing so good sitting up (with help) that I pulled out her Bumbo for the first time. She was not sure about it at first, but after it helped her to poop 2 times in a day (which is a record for her lately), she has gotten used to it. We have now nicknamed it the "pooping chair."

The MOST fun development that Addison has started is giving that HUGE GUMMY SMILE. Every time she does it, it completely melts my heart. It is the absolute BEST feeling in the world when Addy smiles at us.

James and I are SO excited for Halloween. We will be sure to take tons of pictures!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Addison's Blessing Weekend

This past weekend was amazing. Addison had her baby blessing at church. James's step mom, Kim, was able to come down for the blessing as well as my best friend Meghan and her husband Josiah. It was a great weekend. Addison was such a good baby all weekend- she made her mommy and daddy very proud. James was able to give her the baby blessing and it was beautiful. He did a great job. I was so proud that both of them were mine. Here are a few shots from the day.

Addison wore the same blessing dress that I wore when I was blessed.

Her little shoes.

At the church after the blessing.

James, Kim and Addison

This was everyone (minus Meghan and Josiah) that was at the blessing. My uncle Tyler and aunt Kalee and their 6 kids, James's step mom Kim, my brother Graham and his family, sister Kerstin and her family, brother Justin, my parents, and both sets of my grandparents.

Addison and her Magraw and great grandmas.

Addison and her Magraw and Papa. Notice that Addison is SCREAMING. She was not a fan of the picture taking.
Us with Meghan and Josiah.
My mom makes all the grand kids their own quilt. She finished Addison's and gave it to her on her blessing day. It is perfect. My mom is so talented.

The day was wonderful and very busy. It wore Addison and her Papa out, so they took a nap together once things calmed down.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Never a dull moment...

I always thought being the mother that I would be the one teaching my child new things. I think Addison has taught me way more over the past 11 weeks. First lesson I have learned...there is never a dull moment. James and I have had so much fun with Addison over the past few weeks. Here is an update on a few things. Addison ended up having colic and acid reflux. On top of that, she got her days and nights mixed up- so most nights we would not go to bed until 2 in the morning. About a week ago we decided it was time to get her on a good routine. We are very excited that Addy is now sleeping during night time hours, and she is sleeping by herself in her cradle. Here are some pictures we have taken over the past few weeks.

She likes to look at us like we are crazy. We get this look very often.

Before she started sleeping by herself, Addison and the swing became very good friends.

This is what happens when you ask daddy to get the baby ready in the morning. Yes, I did have to change her socks:)

Addison likes sitting in her vibrating rocker. She really likes looking at the bugs that hang from it.

For Magraws birthday all the grand kids went to paint a piece and decorated a platter for mom. The three older grand kids made flowers out of their hands. Addison got to use her feet to make a butterfly.

Addison's first experience with paint.

I was surprised how well she did.

I am not sure why Addison would end up like this during her naps.

2 months old

She is slowly becoming a bigger fan of bath time with daddy.

This is what happens when you ask daddy to put Addison down for a nap. Addison ended up putting daddy down for a nap. I guess he was talking too much.

Addison loves play time with daddy. They are both too cute to watch.