Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Egg Hunting!

Well we woke up this morning to freezing cold weather! We decided to brave the weather and take Addison to her very first Easter Egg Hunt! She seemed to be really excited about the eggs (or that her Gaga and Papa were there) until...the hunt started! ha ha. She really liked holding her basket- but she totally lost it when we put a egg in it.

As soon as they said go, Addy started crying and wanted to be held.
We did manage to snag her a few eggs. Once she decided that Easter egg hunting wasn't so bad- all the eggs were gone! So, we took her eggs back out and threw them on the ground- and she had her own egg hunt!
She had a fun time picking up the eggs and putting them in her basket.

She was happy with her little eggs...once her daddy showed her there was candy inside of them.
They also had a petting zoo. Addy was really interested in the animals, but she did not want to touch or feed them.
She realized all you had to do is give daddy an egg and he'd open it and give her the candy on the inside.
If Gaga is around, Addy has to be right next to her. She was in heaven when she got to have Gaga and Daddy hold her hand.
Papa was a good sport for coming out in the freezing cold for the egg hunt. Him and Uncle Justie cheered Addy on the whole time. She sure does love her Papa (and the pocket full of M&M's he usually carries around with him:)).
Overall, it was such a fun day. We stayed and watched cousin Hailey and Lauren hunt their eggs and ended the day with a fun lunch with the family. Holidays seem like they get less and less exciting as you get older until you have kids of your own. I find myself getting more and more excited about each holiday that comes up so that I can celebrate it with Addison. She is at such a fun age where everything is so exciting! She is definitely the joy of our lives (and the center of our lives:)).


Wow, I cannot believe it is already April! So much has happened since December...and we have not been very good at capturing the moments on camera! Addy is 21 months old now- with the attitude of a 4 year old. We like to blame it on her daddy. Since the last blog, we found out that Addy is going to have a new little sister! We have been spending a lot of time packing up the "extra" stuff around the house, and are in the process of turning our guest room/office into a baby's room/office. Wait...I mean I AM in the process! ha ha. Here are a few pictures of Addy! We get this a lot. The hands, the face...there is normally some kind of talk that comes with it. This is her "Duh, I cannot believe you did that" look. Now that we are getting into spring clothes, I have been getting the camera out more often for some cute new pictures. Except, I have to run around the house to get a good picture. All the ones I get are either of her running at me, or when I bend down to get a picture- Addy thinks she needs to bend down also. This is totally one of my favorites. Addison has graduated from her high chair to a booster seat (thanks Mama Mary for the booster:)). She feels like such a big girl and grins from ear to ear when she gets to sit at the table with James and I. There have been so many fun things that Addy is doing- I wish we could capture every one of them...especially for all our family out of town. Addison is keeping us both on our toes- and keeps us laughing on a daily basis! I am hoping that I'll get better at blogging. More pictures to come!