Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Our baby is growing up!!!

Addison turned 6 months a few weeks ago, and we have been doing all sorts of new things. We went in for her 6 month check-up and she is now 14.4 lbs and 24 in. long. She is measuring in the 25% for her age and weight. The doctor commented on how observant she is of her surroundings...and how loud she is:) She is keeping James and I on our toes as she is reaching for EVERYTHING, and feels like everything we have- she should also have. The doctor said she is healthy- but she did have an abnormal right ear (I think he meant she was getting an infection in her right ear). We haven't taken many pictures lately, but here are a few.

Nana...we are sure not too sure about your tummy board. BUT...we are working on it:)

She likes it MUCH better this way...ha ha ha

Addison has been drinking out of our cups for sometime that we decided the other night to let her try her own. She was a PRO! She put both hands on it and put it right to her mouth. However, she likes holding it...not so much the water.
Daddy decided to let her have her first bubble bath. Needless to say, she was not sure she liked it.

Magraw has decided that Addy's new name is Smiley, because she smiles ALL the time!

She is starting to sit up some by herself.

We love our little Addy!
Addison has been so much fun. I find that I spend most of my time kissing on her and trying to make her laugh. Normally...she makes me laugh. I cannot believe that Addy is already 6 months old. She really is growing up so fast!!!