Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, a few weeks ago, I finally got the tree up. I did it during Addy's nap so I wouldn't have a extra little helper. I couldn't wait when she woke up to bring her in and get this GREAT reaction from the tree! Let's just say, Addy is terrified of grass, trees, anything that deals with "nature." This is as close as she will get to the tree, and by the look on her face- this is obviously to close. The plus is, I'm not having to constantly tell her to stop playing with the ornaments, and she hasn't even attempted to touch one present UNDER the tree. ha ha

ha ha, ok- I totally just had to add this picture because this Addy...ALL THE TIME! She's constantly shouting out all sorts of words and long sentences in her vocabulary. I don't know what she was trying to tell me- and I think it's probably best that I don't know!:) (Just imagine that little hand pointing too.:))

We have a professional WALKER on our hands. She has gotten fast, and when the camera is out- it's full speed ahead to get to the camera before the picture is taken. Plus, look at that ADORABLE pea coat!
Addy got to have Audrey over to play while Kerstin went to help out at church. This was probably not the most exciting thing in the world to Audrey- but Addison is in LOVE with her! After dinner, Audrey was running around the kitchen and Addy just would run behind her, and then start laughing hysterically. We had a fun time with Audrey.
This would be my child's expression every time Audrey is around! That is a happy yell! ha ha

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Merry Early Christmas

Addison got a special surprise Thursday. Her first Christmas delivery from Grandma McBride.

She got a dancing snowman and the book Frosty the Snowman. She LOVES the dancing snowman. She's constantly pushing the button, and then knocking it over so it cannot dance anymore.
Frosty starts dancing- and Addy just starts laughing. It's the cutest thing ever.
Thanks Grandma for the present. It definitely has made Addison's year!

A Much Needed Vacation

James and I left Addison for an entire week and headed to Illinois for vacation. This was the first time that I have left Addison overnight- and it was for like 8 days. I did better then I expected, and Addison, well- she was totally happy and content being with Magraw and Papa. On the way to Chicago we ran across an Amish country. It was so fun to see. We of course had to stop, and hang with the Amish for a while.

We went the Navy Pier once we were in Chicago. It was not as exciting at this time of year- but it was super pretty being on the water.

In Millennium Park they have this huge mirror looking bean. It was really cool to be able to see the sky line through the reflection. They also had a outdoor skating rink at the park. I was super excited- since that was always something I wanted to do- but it wasn't open yet:( Next time...

We hit the aquarium- and this fish reminded me of Snooki's poof on Jersey of course, it had to make the blog:)

We did a lot packed into 4 days in Chicago...and I really should get better about documenting with pictures. After we left Chicago, we headed to Nauvoo, Il. They have ton of church sites from when Joseph Smith and the saints lived there- before they headed to Salt Lake. I remember going to Nauvoo a few times as a child, but never really enjoyed it as much as I did this time. It was nice to go back as an adult- and gain a fuller understanding of what the saints went through.
James and I had a great time on vacation. Although we missed Addison, it was so nice to get away and just be together...and do things without entertaining a 1 year old:) I am grateful for parents who are willing to baby-sit for the week.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Well, now that it is December- I thought I should go ahead and put up our October pictures. ha ha. We had a lot of fun in October with a lot of Harvest celebrating:)

We got invited to go to Tom's Farm with some friends. It was a fun night of a pumpkin patch, hayride, cooking out, and smores! It was the first time we have ever been out there, and we had a great time.

Addison takes every opportunity to ride on her daddy's shoulders...and wave at people.

We got 3 pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and had a fun time carving them. Addy was not too sure about the pumpkins- and she didn't want anything to do with the seeds on the inside.

She did love the finished product. She had her very own pumpkin.

Addy with our pro-carver:)

The finished pumpkins. It's been years since I have carved a pumpkin- and we had a lot of fun.

We went to a Chili-Cook off/Festival at church the night before Halloween. Addison loved watching the other kids run around. She was applauding the winners of the contest at this point.

One day, James will smile:)

Addison is still too young to really understand the concept of trick-or-treating. James and I decided that we would dress her up and head to visit granny and papa moore, and grandma mc. Addy was the perfect little bumble bee.

Giving granny moore kisses.

Addison and Grandma McBride.

I don't really have a ton of memories from Halloween as a child. The one thing I do remember- is my parents would always load us up in the car and go trick-or-treating to our grandparents. As I am older, and look back on these times- it makes me grateful for my parents and the traditions that we had growing up. It really goes back to the family...which is the most important thing in this world.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where is the time going?!?!

It seems just like yesterday, I posted...but as you can see- I am a super slacker! Every day is a new adventure with Addison. She has learned how to get in the kitchen trash can, all the cabinets, flush the toilet, and her favorite- throwing her food on the floor to let you know she has had enough. Her are some pictures of her recently.

Addy knows that when daddy has something to eat- he will share NO MATTER what it is. Unfortunately for her, she was not a fan of the hot sauce daddy was eating on his chicken the other night. She scoots up to the couch and whines at Daddy until he picks her up- and then she sits next to him and eats, and drinks- whatever he is having.

For her birthday, Addison's great grandparents- on my side, gave her this cute little car. It has been so hot that I've had it in the guest bedroom. The other day, she wheeled it out, scooted it out, all by herself to the kitchen...and got a better look at it.

We finally caved in and took her for a ride in her car! Needless to say, she loved it!

And every time she saw headlights of a car...she waved!! It was adorable!

Today was a new adventure for Addison. She got to lick the beaters- for the FIRST time ever! Being the sweets-a-holic like her momma...she loved it- and pitched a fit when it was all gone. She sure did have a fun time with that beater.

She thought that was the best thing to Papa always giving her ice-cream!:)
I feel like Addy is finally giving us a run for our money. She gets into everything, and even is getting a little attitude- that she must have picked up from her daddy. :) Although days can be challenging sometimes- she melts our hearts with every smile, laugh, hug, and every kiss that she gives. Every day I feel so blessed to be able to spend with her- and watch her learn new things. She definitely keeps me on my toes.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Our little baby is growing up SO FAST! Most days I think to myself...slow down Addy! I can hardly keep up!:) Our newest adventure is climbing on EVERYTHING! She loves to be on the floor exploring, and loves even more when she finds something to climb on so she can stand up like a big girl. Addy is not walking yet- but she holds on and walks to what she wants. She will be walking before we know it!:)

Addison has a love for shoes. Love in...trying to put them on, put things in them, eating them, throwing name it- she's done it.

Check out them pearly whites!:) Addison is up to 8 TEETH! She has been pretty fussy lately, and we are pretty sure she's got another 4-5 teeth coming in all at the same time!

She has finally decided it's ok to climb through her toy house. She loves this thing! I totally recommend it!

Addison likes to ring the doorbell, and quickly look around the house to see that the other light came on also. She will sit and do this like 20 times, and just laugh!

Her next favorite game...opening drawers! It's always a surprise as to what we find in her drawers also. She loves to open them up and throw her toys in them, and shut them. (Thanks Aunt Jami for the super cute clothes:))
This picture was too cute to pass up. Thanks Popi and Mimi for the cute outfit!
The other morning I walked in to get Addison out of bed. This is what I saw. Yes, it was a little creepy to me as well! Addy has finally learned how to sit up on her own...which has impacted her sleeping habits! Of course I saw this, and ran to get the camera!
I got the camera- turned the lights on...and had proof that little Addy had sat herself up.
That's not all folks! This kid has tricks!!! I turned around to put the camera down... and WAH LA! She is standing up, waiting on me to get her! (I quickly lowered her bed to the lowest notch...:)).
Sorry it has taken so long to post. Addy is not only busy herself, she is keeping her mommy and daddy very busy as well. Right now is such a fun time with our little girl. Everyday she is doing something new, and something fun. I love being able to stay home with Addison, I don't know what I would do if I had to miss all this excitement!

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's My Party...

Addison had a great birthday party! She had all of her aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even great grandparents there to celebrate. We grilled out, opened presents, and had cake and ice-cream. Addison was so good- all day long. The perfect little hostess:)

I didn't pull out the camera until present time...Addy loved the gigantic ball that she got. She loves to kick it.

She has not mastered how to make the animals pop up...but she is a pro at shutting them back in.

Heather, Brenda, and Mae gave Addy a HUGE horse. She was not sure about it at first, but she loves it. Now, she does not have to ask her Daddy for a pony someday:).

Addison's great grandparents bought her a push around buggy. She thought it was so fun.

After getting the prices on birthday cakes- I decided to enlist my mom and make Addison her cake. It did not look like Buddy did it, off of Cake Boss, but it turned out really cute. I enjoyed spending the day with my mom making it.

Addison was quite the entertainer. She saw her big cupcake- opened up big, and went right for it!!! She got more icing then anything...but went back for seconds, thirds, fourths...etc:)

She was the little mess when she was finished.

Addison just couldn't even stop to take a family picture.
We had such a fun day celebrating Addisons birthday. We feel so blessed to live so close to our family, and James Dad and step mom were even able to drive to come celebrate with us. It is hard to believe that Addy is already a year old. This past year has gone by so fast- and it has truly been an amazing year. We cannot wait to see what this year has in store for our family.