Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 month olds are the BEST

Addison officially turned 5 months old yesterday. So, in honor of her birthday- here are some fun things she did at 4 months. She is still smiling real big (most of the time), and we have heard a laugh a handful of times. I can hardly wait until we hear the laugh ALL the time. Addison has added squash to her diet of rice cereal and applesauce. She is not a fan of the squash- but manages to take a few bites before letting us have it. She is trying to sit up from a laying down position, but can only seem to get her head and legs in the air. I can tell that she will be sitting up in no time.

Addison has started reaching for EVERYTHING. Yesterday, she got bored in her swing and started reaching for the mobile. Good thing I figured out how to adjust the swing so she could sit up...she really does not laying down anymore. She has become very her dad:)

Almost every afternoon- Daddy and Addison get their time together. It normally consist of watching football. Addison LOVES football.'s cold outside.

Addison loves her warm outfit from James' mom. It's a little big, but she sleeps in it every time we put her in it.

Our newest adventure is water drinking. Addison has decided that if your does she. She does not have the swallowing down yet, but she likes the cold water on her two little teeth. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS...our little girl has 2 TEETH!
We are SUPER excited for Christmas. OK, James and I are more excited then I think Addison is. We will have LOTS of pictures up soon!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Interesting Morning

Addison woke up yesterday like she normally does and starts talking to herself. I normally lay in bed until her talking becomes more of a "screaming" to get out of bed, and then I go in and get her. However, yesterday morning she was talking to herself and then all of a sudden I heard Mozart music playing over the monitor. I was pretty confused as to what was playing Mozart in her room, especially because there are no toys in her crib. I went in to her room to find that Addison had turned herself around in her crib (almost 180 degrees) and managed to kick her mobile and turn it on!!!! When I walked in she was just staring at it, like she was so impressed with herself that she managed to turn it on. I guess she has already learned that if mommy doesn't give you what you want- you have to do it yourself!:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Addison has just started eating solid foods. I think I was more excited about it then she was:). She is not a huge fan of the rice cereal as you can see below. She has been eating rice cereal for a few weeks now and I just started applesauce yesterday. All of a sudden she is a HUGE fan of eating!!!! I can hardly wait to see what other foods she enjoys. Here are a few shots of her first time eating cereal!

This is the first time Addy sat in her big girl high chair. She warmed up to it after she realized that she could get that much closer to her lion:)

As you can see, she was not quite sure what to expect. For some reason, she does not like putting her bib on.

This is one of MANY very funny faces we got.

By this point, Addy and Daddy both had enough of rice cereal for one evening.
I never thought we would make it to the point where she would open her mouth, willingly, and swallow. Thank goodness for applesauce.:)